About No Luck

No Luck an artist from Ardeche; lives and works in Montpellier, South of France. Influenced and inspired by writings, symbols, language systems and cultures, No Luck creates his own language. The writing system he has developed may be reminiscent of ancient cultures and their scripts, or of a culture that lies in the future and is therefore utopian. His characters build on each other and fit together. They seem to make sense and yet no one can decipher them. 

His canvas is diverse. His works are located in various places: on various streets, on floors and on walls. Other works he creates with natural objects in forests, on beaches and on lakes. His portfolio ranges from street art to land art and that’s not all. His art asks one question above all, what are the characters about and where do they come from. They can be arranged like runes and have something mystical. Sometimes they remind us of our Western writing system, sometimes of an Eastern, Nordic one, or one not at all comparable to what we are familiar with. It is about cultures and a crucial character of exactly that; the writing. Writings and symbols exist in all cultures and they are important in many ways for the coexistence of the same cultural community.

The Collection

The reinterpretation of everyday objects with through its symbols, is intended to increase the interest of this mysterious and unknown culture. This leads us finally to the designs of the clothes. Clothing is also part of a culture, or at least it was an important part for most cultures before globalization occurred. Clothing can serve a traditional and ritual purpose or a practical one.


The designs of No Luck are created after thorough consideration of each individual piece. The placement and color of the symbols is always related to the composition of the garment itself. The garments were all purchased in a small second-hand store in Brussels. Except for two pieces which were included in the collection by a different route, but without „buying new“.

The idea is to design more unique pieces at the request of customers inside on the same principle on either already existing clothing or to buy the matching piece in a thrift store. For more information follow ZAË and No Luck on Instagram!